Wednesday, January 26, 2011

It's Official

Yes it is official. I am an Eichelberger. I know what you are thinking...haven't you been married 8 months. Yes I have, but I never legally changed my name. Sue me for having a sentimental attachment to my original/birth last name. I mean it is my heritage people. Well my bank cards, license, and social security card have all been changed in the last month. I had to take a written test at the DMV to change my name and get a Utah licence and when I showed the lady what I was changing my last name to she sarcastically said, " I mean could you have married someone with a longer last name?" I just laughed because I totally agree and get that comment all the time. Then she continued on to say, "please don't tell me your maiden name was short and cute." I told her my last name used to be Conley and she said, "oh gosh is was short and cute." haha Thanks DVM lady for making me feel reassured about this name change thing. So now I'm adjusting to signing my name like this:

Brittney Nicole Eichelberger

Did I mention at the DMV I had to resign my new name three times....meaning they had to clear the screen and have me resign three times because I wasn't used to signing this new name and couldn't figure out how to fit it in the box. Needless to say our children will be getting very short first names.

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