Sunday, June 2, 2013

My life as a stay at home wife/mom has officially started. It's definitely hard getting back into the routine of cooking and cleaning. Jesse and I have had lots of time together since I stopped teaching and it has been so nice. We are definitely going to continue to soak in all the together time before he starts working and grad school and the baby comes. The pregnancy is still going really well and the amazing warm weather we have had in Utah has only made things more enjoyable. We spent yesterday with friends at the pool all day and today we lounged by the river up the canyon. My cravings lately have been pina coladas, watermelon, dessert every night, and recently, the fresh squeezed limeade we had at the local farmers market. Nothing too crazy and we hope it stays that way. We move in less than three weeks and really need to get the packing into full force. Here are a ton of pictures of our life the last few months from Jesse's phone:

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